Multicultural Event at Great Neck South Middle School!
Social Study. 10 Days Residency "American Revolution" PS 212 Q
10 Days Residency based on 3rd Grade Social Study "ASIA"
So much fun!!! Learning a History of Asia through the music and dance. 10 days residency at PS329
2018 Final Performance!!! 5 days residency of Nutcracker at PS212
Great Holidays Best Classic Performance at PS115Q
Haven Pre-K, 1st and 2nd grade scholars presented The Nutcracker
Congratulation to all
Grade 4 Show
Free trial class
Welcome to our World!
Art of the Dance World collaborates with students of all ages to perform a wide variety of world dances and classical ballets. Straight from Lincoln Center, professional performers and experienced teachers create customized programs and engage students in ballet adaptations and cultural dance. Drawing on students’ unique strengths and dance potential, choreography is tailored for a culminating student extravaganza.
Originally founded by Sondra Forsyth and Ballet Ambassadors this dance residency program has been in production for over 15 years throughout the Tri-state area, Northeast and beyond. Teaching Artists conduct workshops and then share the stage with the children in full scale, fully costumed one hour long performances.

Art of the Dance World successfully addresses New York State Learning Standards for the Arts.
Students will
- Present set dance forms in formal and informal contexts;
- Understand choreographic principles, processes and structures;
- Acquire vocabulary to talk about a variety of dance forms;
- Comprehend personal and cultural forces that shape artistic communication;
- Recognize dance serves many functions in diverse societies;
- Understand roles of various participants in a production.

Our recent school performances
- P.S. 213 The Carl Ullman School;
- Sebastian Catholic Academy Queens;
- Oakwood Primary Center South Huntington;
- P.S. 186 Castlewood Queens;
- Mott Haven Academy Bronx;
- P.S. 212 School of Cyber Science and Literacy;
- P.S. 94 David D Porter - Queens;
- P.S. 173 Fresh Meadow - Queens;
- P.S. 205 Alexander Graham Bell School;
- East Elmhurst Community School;
- Junior High School 217 Robert A Van Wyck;
- Oak Park Elementary School.