“A significant stretch of its running time is devoted to a series of dances, vigorously performed here by Andrei Kisselev and Yana Volkova.”

“Scene-setting dance interludes — choreographed in authoritative quasi-folk Moiseyev Dance Company style by Andrei Kisselev — were perhaps the best part.”
“Andrei Kisselev, foreground left, and Yana Volkova, foreground right, in a New York City Opera performance of Rachmaninoff’s “Aleko.””

“The one bright spot was the suave, cheerful performing of Andrei Kisselev, a former member of the Moiseyev State Ensemble and a "Riverdance" veteran.”

“The dancers, Andrei Kisselev and Yana Volkova, gave the occasion its liveliest and most authentic-seeming moments, and they had the most atmospheric music, too. The City Opera Chorus also danced as well as sang.”

“The opera has a substantial dance sequence, choreographed by Andrei Kisselev for himself and Yana Volkova, who intertwined beautifully with each other (and eventually, some of the chorus). The duo’s handsome costumes were the most explicitly exciting work of designer Ildikó Debreczeni.”

“The only bright spots were Kevin Thompson’s sonorous Old Gypsy and a flashy turn by Andrei Kisselev as a flamboyant gypsy dancer whose next stop on his journey was surely a bus and truck tour of Chorus Line.”

“NYCO, Back in Business and Boasting First-Rate Dancing Along With the Singing”