Advance Preparation
- Set calendar dates;
- Determine school’s daily schedule;
- Reserve available space (auditorium, gymnasium, music room, library, classroom);
- Draft detailed agenda, submit for review.

DAY 1 through 4
WORKSHOPES, two Teachers will arrive 15-30 min before the first teaching period. Two Teachers will teach simultaneously during 4-6 periods in two different locations, each class separately (it can be: Stage, Gym, Recreational Room or Class Room). At the end of the Day 4, will be Technical Rehearsal, when all participating classes need to come 10 minutes before the rehearsal time, to get them seats in Auditorium.
Day 5
Extra Rehearsal (if needed) and PERFORMANCE (or two Performances depends on contract-agreement).
Starting Time of Performance will be set up for each School individually depending on the School Schedule. Costumes will be given to the teachers right after Rehearsal. Students need to put costumes on in the classroom and come back to the Auditorium in the costumes.
Depending on the number of days scheduled, students will gain increased independence in the performing roles:
- In a two day residency program, simplified choreography with considerable assistance and role modeling will be required for one culminating final performance.
- In a five day residency program, dance content will be customized to students’ abilities and further refined. Students will perform in conjunction with professional Teaching Artists for two culminating performances.
- In a ten day residency program, students will learn additional dance material, increase their independence, master individualized choreography in a fully coordinated synchronized outcome. Increased confidence and self-esteem will result in two polished performances.
Program structure will be customized and pricing sheets are available upon request.